As we have already mentioned on numerous occasions, the houses of today are characterized by being small, especially those found in cities. Among other factors, the proliferation of small housing is due to the lack of meters to build, the change in family structures and the economic crisis, which has forced many to resign themselves to living on small flats.
For people living alone and for couples without children living in a house with few square meters may be ideal, as these are cheaper and require less time and money to maintain and clean them. However, for families with children can be a big problem, among other things because they require more storage space. For this reason, many should use furniture that helps save space, such as the beds that we are going to show you below, which are perfect for children’s rooms and small children. Can you come with us?

Beds with folding sofa
First of all, we want to talk about beds with folding canapé, which are increasingly having a presence in Spanish homes, something that does not surprise us at all, as they provide enough storage space, where you can store bedding, Toys, clothes of other seasons … Most child canapés have lateral opening, so they can be placed against the wall to take advantage of the space to the maximum.

As it could not be otherwise, we are also going to talk about the bunk beds, one of the best options for shared rooms, since they are the ones that take advantage of the vertical space, leaving room free on the floor so that the small ones of the house can Enjoy their free time or to place other pieces of necessary furniture in the room.
You may also like to read another article on houseilove: Furniture Trends in 2017

Train type beds
One version of the bunk beds that youngsters usually like a lot are the train beds, which are an excellent option for tall and long rooms but with little width. And it is a furniture in which the beds are not arranged symmetrically, but leave space in the middle, usually to place storage solutions.

Bed nests
Although the trundle beds, which hide another bed under the main bed, are not highly recommended for shared rooms, since pulling and storing the bed every day can be a nuisance, they are ideal for children’s or teenagers rooms Invite your friends to sleep.

High beds
The high beds can also be very useful for rooms with few square meters, since, like bunk beds, they also allow to take advantage of vertical space. There are those that include storage space or desks on the bottom.

Folding beds
Finally, we want to talk about folding beds, also called folding beds. These are, without doubt, the beds that more space save, since, when they are not being used, they hardly occupy space. In addition, in recent years have improved a lot, and now you can find very comfortable models. There are even fold-away berths. If you have a teenage daughter, the Boom Furniture folding bed you can see in the next photo is sure to love it.
Tags: Children's beds
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