Receivers are often the most difficult areas of the house to furnish and decorate. By their characteristics, the receivers are small and narrow environments, compared to other rooms.
Of course, it depends on the type of dwelling. But in general terms we can say that the receivers are the darker spaces of the whole house. However, they play a very important role: it is our cover letter. That is why we must be careful when decorating a more luminous hall. We explained how.

Distribution and furniture
The distribution of furniture and accessories is vital to make the most of each available meter in the hall. To achieve this we must take into account the shape of the room: square, rectangular … If you find it easier, you can draw a plane on the paper.
Think: what kind of furniture would you like to have in the hall, given the space and shape of the room? What practical elements should not be missing in this space? Once you have it all clear, think about where you would place each item. If you do not find the ideal furniture for this room, you can opt for a personalized design.
And why is it so important? A good distribution will prevent the receiver from being overloaded and looking even darker. In addition to distributing, it is advisable to choose furniture in light colors that reflect the light and enhance the luminosity.
As far as distribution is concerned, it is also important to opt for open spaces. Removing barriers helps us gain breadth and encourages light to circulate comfortably throughout the space.

The best colors
Speaking of colors, the ideal is to opt for light colored walls but trying to keep them in relation to the rest of the rooms in the house. Unifying the decor gives continuity to the space and makes the house look more spacious.
In this sense, a good trick to gain light in the hall is to choose furniture of the same color as the wall. Thus they integrate perfectly in the environment and the decoration seems less recharged.
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The importance of lighting up well
In the absence of natural light we should opt for artificial lights. Plan the points of light that your receiver needs. First of all, there should be no general light on the ceiling that illuminates the entire hall. As a passing area, low-cost lights are not recommended, which take a few seconds to illuminate completely.
It is also interesting to place punctual lights in those corners where they really miss. For example, a table lamp on the cabinet of the hall or a floor lamp next to the barefoot bench.

If we want to gain warmth in this environment, a good idea may be to opt for wall-mounted diffuser screen appliqués. The dim lights help to illuminate and create more warm and welcoming. Another option is the aesthetic lights that are used to highlight elements. The advantage is that in addition they provide a practical light, for example if we place an applique near a closet with portal laves or a nice box cover.
There are different types of lighting and each of them is useful for creating a certain effect. So we just have to think about what use we are going to make of each lamp taking into account the type of receiver we have.
A mirror to gain breadth
Small accessories can also help us gain light in the hall. We are referring naturally to the mirrors. They are the perfect complements to decorate and enhance the luminosity. A trick? Place a light fixture or lamp near the mirror.
Tags: luminous hall
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