At this point in the film, who more and who less, know all the advantages and disadvantages of biomass heating. Created from plant debris, this fuel can be specially designed and processed for this purpose, but often throw us back the high price of boiler installation, but for family houses there are great choices.
Let’s look at some of the solutions offered by the market to heat the whole house.
The first thing we like about this type of fuel, except that it is the most environmentally friendly is that it is very economical, both pellets or plant remains that we use at home. The second is that the price does not oscillate, which does not happen with fossil fuels such as diesel. Let’s do a review of the types of biomass, its advantages and disadvantages and models that can be concerned for each dwelling.

Types of biomass
- Pellets
- Crushed olive pits
- Almond shells, filbert
- Woodchips
- Plant components high-calorie
Advantages of biomass heating
- It is a very ecological system, behind only solar energy.
- Use a very cheap fuel, the savings can be 40%.
- It can be used for remains of pruning or wood fuel, so in cottages is a considerable option.
Disadvantages of biomass heating
- The price of the biomass boiler is quite high.
- Find pellets (treated biomass for fuel use) can be complicated in some places, although less and less.
- It needs to have space to store biomass.

Pellet Stoves
Ecological and efficient, we can find from 600 dollars in houses or flats with flues and electrical connection. They operate with pellets, a material with high calorific power and low CO2 emissions.
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Wood stoves
We can choose them steel (from 150 dollars) or more expensive and robust cast iron. No work is necessary to install, simply a connection to a vent. Models for integration into any interior.
Inserts pellet
The inserts are placed in the hollow of the fireplace. They usually have two chambers, an inner cast iron and other steel exterior. Also they have a system of fans and ducts to distribute the heat.

Wood Inserts
Fundamental when inserts are wood, the weight of the apparatus, since the higher weight greater heat output as it supports larger logs and you can choose the type of ceramic glass: flat or curved.
Boilers combustible
Perhaps the most difficult to install because they require a boiler room , of course if you choose for the field with a shed in the garden or a good cellar will suffice. You can use as fuel pellets, firewood and combustible and also heat the water. They are programmable, which we solve the issues of distance or changing temperatures and are considered very high efficiency. The price from 2000 dollars (without supplements)
Thermos pellet
Perfect for houses or flats with flues and electrical connection. Warm stay where they are and the radiator circuit the rest of the house. They allow dual use and are very economical, if necessary can be combined with other heating systems.
With so many choices who said cold this winter?
Tags: Biomass
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