It is understood by charm style that decorative style with Parisian air in which contemporary elements are combined with more traditional ones, combining classic pieces with the most current tendencies of the moment. It conveys the elegance and sophistication typical of those high-ceilinged houses in Paris, where there is no lack of details that give a unique and very personal touch to each corner. That charm, which in its translation means grace or charm. Something that you can do now with the ideas that we offer below.

Mix of elements
Do not be afraid of blends. The charm style is characterized by the combination of classic elements, even iconic, with more modern pieces. You can include a showcase or some old work of art and complement it with a modern furniture latest trend. And why not? In that beautiful balance will be the success of your decoration.
The lamps
Lamps are one of the key elements in this decoration. Generally, heirs of spaces where the ceilings were very high, these objects receive special attention, with big, spider or bulky lamps. They become a focal point and look great in both living rooms and bedrooms. Even if you cheer, you can put them in the bathroom.

As for the colors that you can use if you feel like decorating in this way, a wide range of possibilities opens up to you. And is that being the mixture that we mentioned before one of the pillars of this decoration, the chosen tones can also include different combinations. For example, you can use soft, clear or neutral colors, in which you can introduce notes of joy in more vivid tones, or even bet on designing a completely colorful room, then balancing with a soft tone that will avoid saturating the space.
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Essential decorative elements
We have already seen that the lamps were very important. But there are other elements that cannot miss if you want to bring French charm to your home. I mean, for example, plaids, flowers and curtains. You have to balance them in that room where you want to print this charm and thus you can give him all the personality possible. And you can make your variations, for example including a mirror, coat racks, candelabra, posters with messages …

The materials that best fit your home charm
The wood is one of the materials that will bring much charm to this type of decoration. You can use it on the floor, furniture or friezes on the wall. On the walls and ceilings we also see moldings of plaster and in the areas where there is more humidity, such as kitchens or bathrooms, marble and hydraulic tiles will be a great choice.
As in this type of mix of what is involved is to find the combined balance different materials, shapes and styles, you can use textiles with floral prints, one of the reasons that best fit this decorative style, or bet on smooth textures In natural materials such as cotton. Usually the curtains are usually in softer colors, like integrated in the own wall.
Tags: French Charm Style, Ideas for decorating
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