Air compressors are crucial for various operations making one wonder why do air compressors have tanks? They act as reservoirs for compressed air. Read on.
When using an air compressor, the question that usually comes up is, why do air compressors have tanks? Tanks are crucial integral components of an air compressor for they store compressed air for use when the demand is high. When compressed air is stored, you don’t have to keep on offloading and loading the compressor tank to fill the air.
An air compressor tank also precipitates moisture and oil carryover carried over from the after-cooler. The importance of air compressors in workshops and factories cannot be overlooked. They are used in a wide range of situations, making them extremely fundamental for both home and industrial use.
Why do air compressors have tanks?
Having a compressed air system means that it comes with a tank; no wonder many people ask, why do air compressors have tanks? An air compressor tank provides extra compressed air for use when there is peak demand. An on board air compressor comes with such a tank to provide efficient operation because it has an appropriately sized tank.
Let us look at some of the reasons why air compressors have tanks: –
● Air reservoir
This is the primary significance of a tank in an air compressor; it acts as an air reservoir. Hence, no matter how the demand is for compressed air, this tank can provide that adequately. This means that the tank’s capacity should be large to accommodate enough compressed air that can take care of sudden demands. The right-sizing of an air compressor tank aids in the use of smaller compressors that work efficiently in operations requiring high airflow.
● Minimizes waste
An air compressor tank is very essential because it prevents wastage of compressed air. As an air compressor keeps cycling during its operation, it can lead to compressed air wastage. During venting, compressed air is released each time a rotary screw air compressor unload. This causes wastage of thousands of cubic feet of compressed air, which could be used for other purposes. That is why an air compressor is designed with a tank for it works to preserve the compressed air meaning no wastage will be reported.
● Boosts efficiency
Having an air compressor tank goes a long way in improving the efficiency of stored compressed air. Apart from that, this tank minimizes energy and maintenance costs enabling you to save money. This tank guarantees a steady flow of air by discharging adequate amounts of air for a specific operation. The smooth delivery of air in the entire system helps in boosting efficiency resulting in good end results.
● Eliminates dirt
Dirt and other particles can quickly get into an air compressor mainstream mostly because of corrosion. Particulates in facility air also get into the system and can cause excess dirt in an air compressor. Because all these particles and dirt fall within the air compressor tank, it is easy to drain all that off with the liquids. From that moment, the air entering the compressed air tank is clean and dry, making it efficient in its operation.
● Reduces operating pressure
Air compressors have tanks to reduce the pressure within which an air compressor operates. If compressed air is not stored, the entire system will work on high pressure to meet high demands, which should not be the case. An air compressor should never run at a maximum demand for that may cause critical damage because of increased energy usage. Prevent the wear and tear of your air compressor system by using a tank so that your system operates thoroughly and efficiently. The addition of an air compressor tank caters for the sudden demands without maximizing the pressure of your air compressor system.
● Air compressor control
Having an air compressor tanks aid in gaining control of the air compressor system. This happens when the tank provides adequate air-to-air control by doing away with short-cycling. Over-pressurization is also prevented because unbalanced compressed air usage leads to uneven demand. To enable management of an air compressor, there must be intense air cycling to meet every demand that is what an air compressor tank provides.
● Pulsation dampening device
Another purpose of an air compressor tank is to act as a pulsation dampening device. This helps in absorbing vibrations emanating from the air compressor pulsations and motor within the system. By doing that, there is a reduction of pipe and other system’s exhaustion.
Important to note
The need for compressed air depends on the operation being handled at a particular time. This means you may find yourself having a shortage of air that can be supplied if you have the right air compressor tank. The need for this tank cannot be overlooked; that is why you should consider having a tank having a high holding capacity. You have to understand your needs to determine whether the tank you have will cater to those needs during the peak season.
Do your research on air compressor tank size specifications to ensure that you get the right size. Without that, you will not be able to have enough supply of compressed air when there is a sudden need. With all the benefits that come with an air compressor tank, it is evident that every air compressor should have one.
Final thought
You may happen to ask, why do air compressors have tanks? Because they are essential components of an air compressor that work to ensure a sufficient supply of compressed air. That is why you should have a properly sized air compressor tank that can meet high demand when the occasion arises.
It is always important to store adequate compressed air capacity to ensure a smooth operation. Be keen on maintaining your tank so that you don’t end up failing to fulfill your needs. The size of an air compressor tank should match your needs and also exceed your current usage. Having a reliable tank goes a long way in ensuring all your operations are met efficiently.
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