Having a septic tank on your property may be a convenient way to save money that you would otherwise spend connecting your home to a municipal sewer system, but you do need to know when to have the tank pumped. Here are a few signs that will tell you when that time has come.
It’s Been a Few Years
On average, a septic tank should be pumped every three to five years, depending on the size of your household and how much water is used. Some tanks that are inspected and maintained frequently enough can go longer between pumps, but you should at least think about having your tank pumped if you haven’t done so in the last three years.
You Have Slow Drains
There can be a few reasons why a sink would drain slowly, but a full septic tank is definitely one of them. If you suddenly notice that water is going down your drains more slowly than usual, the culprit might lie with your septic tank, especially if it’s been a few years since you’ve last had your tank pumped.
You Notice Strong Odors
It should come as no surprise to you that the contents of a septic tank do not smell great. Normally, these odors are confined to the tank, but that won’t be the case if the tank itself is overflowing. If you notice a bad smell on your property where your septic tank is buried, it’s probably full to the point of overflowing and should be emptied as soon as possible.
Your Yard is Wetter than Usual
You might notice pools of standing water on your property if your septic tank is too full. Granted, this could also be caused by heavy rains, but if you have a particularly wet lawn when the weather has been fairly dry, the problem might lie with your septic tank.
If you own a septic tank, it is your responsibility to have it pumped when necessary. You can find a company near you to handle this job simpy by googling “septic services Leesburg FL” or wherever your home may be located. It is the most important bit of maintenance you will perform on your septic system, so don’t hesitate to call a septic company near you if you think your septic tank is too full.
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