The distribution of each element is essential to enjoy a nice decoration. However, regardless of aesthetic criteria, we must also take into account the practical point of view to distribute the furniture and fittings in every room of the house.
For the living, the eternal question is usually where to place the television. Generally, we tend to place the sofa and coffee table that will serve as reference to locate the TV first. But if you have not clear and need extra help, here are some tips that will answer the question of where to put the TV in the lounge.

On furniture or hung
Teles before, with its enormous depth, they have innovative step and lightweight models with many more decorative possibilities. Traditional TV cabinet salon has passed into history for other great ideas with which to maximize the available space.
If you have a few meters in the living room, a great idea can be hang the TV from the wall. But before doing so, you should consider several things. First you must make sure that the wall supports the weight, for this, choose proper anchors and checks that are approved. This information will provide you the manufacturer.
Another interesting option may be to place the television on traditional TV or sideboard. The advantage is that the current flat screen models allow us to choose furniture with shallow, thus making use of the meters for sofas and armchairs.
It is recommended to choose a base unit, at the appropriate height taking into account the distance from the couch. In addition, if you choose a cabinet with swivel stand you can move comfortably television and direct it at your leisure. On a practical level, it is interesting that the furniture has a hole in the back to run the wires and so organize and camouflage.

Do not forget to measure
Of course, before choosing one option or another, should take appropriate action. So do not forget the metro, this way you will avoid placing too close or too far television and not have to strain your eyes. To give you an idea of the distance you should keep between television and sofa, notes the following measures provided by experts in decoration and interior design:
– For a 30 – inch television, a distance of 1.50 meters.
– For a 45 – inch television, a distance of 1.80 meters.
– For a 50 – inch television, a distance of 2.25 meters.
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Of course, it is also important to place television to eye level, so as not strive posture. Special furniture for television take into account this measure. But if you choose to hang the TV on the wall, our advice is that the put at a distance of between 85 and 100 cm from the ground.

The importance of natural and artificial light
The last detail that we must consider when placing television is light, in order to prevent reflections bother us to see the screen. Ideally, place the TV perpendicular to the windows, as well receives natural light but not directly.
As for artificial lighting, interior design experts advise placing a lamp stand or desktop behind the TV, whenever we can. We cannot, opt for some dim light to accompany moments moviegoers. Choose bulbs that go yellow tone of 2700-3500 degrees K, as this will achieve a cozy atmosphere, which will avoid eyestrain.
Tags: lounge, TV
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