Any woodworker will tell you that the band saw is a huge game-changer. Once you understand how to use a band saw skillfully, you can get to use your wood to its full potential while expanding your creativity greatly. Today, I will take you through some of the cool band saw uses that you probably didn’t know about.
Did you know that you could use your band saw to resaw a board? This means sawing your board along the width. This process gives you two board pieces with what is referred to as ‘book matched’ inner faces since it’s almost like opening a book.
This process can be used in creating side-by-side cabinet doors or make thinner pieces from thick boards. You can, therefore, economize the amount of wood that you use for a given project.
You can also read : benchtop bandsaw buying guide
Reset a board’s edge
Most of the time you have no choice but to accept a board’s edge as it comes from the mill. However, you could use your band saw to re-cut the edges and make a more elegant figure that aligns along its length. All you need to do to reset the edge of your board is to draw a chalk line and saw freehand. This work is easier to accomplish using a band saw than the common method of concocting special jigs to a table saw.
Reset the face of your board
You can take further control of the figure and grain of your board using the band saw. For example, you know that table legs look good when they are curved and the annual ring end having a 45-degree grain pattern to each face thereby producing four different faces with a similar figure. This orientation can be achieved easily using your table saw.
Make bent lamination
To compose a bent lamination, you need to saw thin laminates and the best tool for this job is the band saw. You need to saw these laminates in succession from a thick board which you will then glue together to produce a curved furniture part. Using a band saw to make bent lamination requires a lot of patience and expertise.
Process small logs
The band saw is a good tool to use as a mini-mill should you want to process small logs. Using your band saw to produce small logs can be exciting and fun when done on a small scale. However, it can be rather tiring should you be working on a large scale project.
Frequently asked questions and answers
What is the band saw used for?
The band saw is a tool that is used for cutting curves when creating cabriole legs, to crosscut short pieces, and to rip lumber.
Do you need to have a band saw?
A band saw is important when you need to cut through thick pieces of wood. Although you could use other tools, a band saw is always recommended.
What band saw size do I need?
For DIYers and small furniture store owners, the 14-inch band saw is just sufficient. When working on large projects, however, go for an 18-inch or 20-inch band saw.
Should I get a table saw or a band saw?
Although a table saw makes a cleaner cut, the band saw is recommended because it is much more precise.
Is my band saw dangerous?
Generally band saws are categorized among the safest woodworking tool. You should, however, exercise caution when using it,
Every woodworker needs a good quality band saw and you need to get one today. Ensure you choose a model that will suit your needs and is long-lasting. Go through customer reviews to determine a good model for your needs.
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